proportion of pregnant women attending 4+ ANC visits / % of pregnant women attending 1st ANC within 12 weeks
PNC within 48 hrs (mother) coverage
Facility Neonatal Mortality Rate
Maternal deaths audited / Facility Maternal Mortality Ratio
% of newborns applied chlorhexidine for umbilical cord care
Early initiation of breastfeeding within 1hr of birth
Proportion of HIV exposed infants started on ARV prophylaxis within 2 months of life / Proportion of HIV infected pregnant women who are currently on ART
Vitamin A coverage (12-59 mos)
Fully immunized Child Coverage
Penta 3 coverage
% <5y with diarrhea Rx with ORS and Zinc (facility) / % <5y with diarrhea Rx with ORS and Zinc (community)
% of children <5y with pneumonia treated with amoxicillin DT
% school age 6-14 yrs children dewormed
HPV vaccine coverage (10-14 yrs)
Proportion of adolescents (10-19yrs) who are pregnant